".....Zigerlig mentioned the importance of registering stolen art with databases such as Fine Art Registry. In fact, tagging and registering all of one’s artwork before obtaining insurance is an absolute must as it will reduce the risk of loss and increase the chances for recovery. Carriers who recognize the value of the Fine Art Registry system and its many additional benefits ideally should offer their clients a discount on premiums because the risk to them is much less than for insuring art that has not been tagged and registered with FAR®."
"Edvard Munch’s paintings The Scream and The Madonna were not insured against theft when they were stolen in Norway (since recovered). In the U.S., the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston did not insure its still missing 13 masterpieces, valued at 5 hundred million dollars, when they were stolen 17 years ago. Like the Munch paintings they were insured for loss and damage, but not theft. While these are more high profile, high value pieces, it does underlie the importance of insuring beyond just loss and damage. Insuring against theft should be included in any insurance plan."
(What Happens After Stolen Artwork is Recovered By Anayat Durrani)
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